OSNMAlib Status Log

Type: array of object

Format of the JSON status log generated by OSNMAlib.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Type: object

General information related to the subframe

Type: array

Galileo Satellite Time at the start of the reception of the subframe. [WN, ToW]

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: string

OSNMAlib input module used to receive the navigation data.

Type: enum (of string)

Status of OSNMAlib as a library regarding the possession of cryptographic material.

Must be one of:

  • "OSNMA_AM"

Type: object

Information on the last authenticated status of OSNMA.

No Additional Properties

Type: object

Indicates the OSNMA status, the Chain in Force, and the Chain and Public Key status. It is null if the receiver has not yet fully started.

Type: enum (of null or string)

OSNMA status. It is updated from KROOT and Tag authentication.

Must be one of:

  • "TEST"
  • "DONT_USE"
  • null

Type: integer or null

ID of the TESLA chain in force.

Type: enum (of null or string)

Chain and public key status.

Must be one of:

  • "EOC"
  • "CREV"
  • "NPK"
  • "PKREV"
  • "NMT"
  • "AM"
  • null

Type: object or null

Information about the TESLA Chain currently in use by OSNMA. It may be null during revocation of cryptographic material.

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "SHA_256"
  • "SHA3_224"
  • "SHA3_256"

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "HMAC_SHA_256"
  • "CMAC_AES"

Type: array
No Additional Items

Type: object or null

Information about the Public Key currently used in OSNMA. May be null during revocation of cryptographic material.

Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "ECDSA_P256"
  • "ECDSA_P521"
  • "OAM"

Type: object

OSNMA material (HKROOT and MACK) received from each satellite transmitting OSNMA. The list contains all OSNMA active satellites during the subframe: satellites with a page with the OSNMA bits different than 0.

All properties whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: ^[0-9]+$
Type: object

Type: object

The nmaheader and dmsheader are null if the pages containing them were not received. Note that these values may not be authenticated.

No Additional Properties

Type: object or null

First page of the subframe which contains the Navigation Message Authentication (NMA) information.

Type: enum (of string)

OSNMA status

Must be one of:

  • "TEST"
  • "DONT_USE"

Type: integer

ID of the TESLA chain in force

Type: enum (of string)

Chain and public key status

Must be one of:

  • "EOC"
  • "CREV"
  • "NPK"
  • "PKREV"
  • "NMT"
  • "AM"

Type: object or null

Second page of the subframe, which contains the Digital Signature Message (DSM) information.

Type: array of boolean

Last 13 pages that constitute a block of the Digital Signature Message. True if received, false otherwise.

Must contain a minimum of 13 items

Must contain a maximum of 13 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

OSNMA information received in the MACK section. The TESLA Key and any of the tags may be null if not received.

Type: string or null

Received TESLA Key in hex encoding.

Type: array

Must contain a maximum of 10 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array or null

Each tag is encoded as: [PRN_A, ADKD, COP, FLEX?]. To be updated to an object.

Must contain a minimum of 3 items

Must contain a maximum of 4 items

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:
Item at 3 must be:
Item at 4 must be:

Type: object

OSNMA relevant navigation data received during this subframe from the tracked satellites. The list contains all satellites for which a page was received during the subframe, even if all OSNMA relevant pages were lost.

All properties whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: ^[0-9]+$
Type: object
No Additional Properties

Type: null or string

Issue Of Data value of this subframe. It can be extracted from Word Type 1, 2, 3, or 4. If none of those is received, it is null.

Type: object

Words types for ADKD0 or ADKD12. True if received, False if not.

Type: object

Word types for ADKD4. True if received, False if not. Word 10 is null if it was not transmitted on the subframe.

Type: boolean or null

Type: object

Results of the OSNMA verification process: TESLA Key, MACSeq, Tags, KRoot and Public Key.

Type: array of object

List of all verified (successfully or not) TESLA Keys on this subframe

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Type: string

TESLA Key in hex string

Type: boolean

A TESLA Key may be reconstructed from partially received keys.

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array of object

List of all MACSeq tags verified on this subframe and the FLX tags they validate.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array of array

Flex tags validated with the MACSeq verification.

Must contain a maximum of 4 items

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array

Each tag is encoded as: [PRN_A, ADKD, COP, FLEX?]. To be updated to an object.

Must contain a minimum of 3 items

Must contain a maximum of 4 items

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:
Item at 3 must be:
Item at 4 must be:

Type: array of object

List of all tags verified during this subframe.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object or null

Last verified KRoot message. It may not contain the Tesla Chain in force during cryptographic material renewal.

Type: object

Each field is encoded in a tuple of [raw value, decoded value | null]

No Additional Properties

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:
Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "TEST"
  • "DONT_USE"

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:
Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "EOC"
  • "CREV"
  • "NPK"
  • "PKREV"
  • "NMT"
  • "AM"

Type: object

Each field is encoded in a tuple of [raw value, decoded value | null]

No Additional Properties

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array

Used to be Number of MACK blocks. It may still show 1 as value.

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:
Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "SHA_256"
  • "SHA3_224"
  • "SHA3_256"

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:
Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "HMAC_SHA_256"
  • "CMAC_AES"

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array

Used to be TESLA Key offset, with 0 being 30 seconds. It may still show 0.

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: object or null

Last verified Public Key message. It may not contain the Public Key in force during cryptographic material renewal.

No Additional Properties

Type: object

Each field is encoded in a tuple of [raw value, decoded value | null]

No Additional Properties

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:
Type: enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "ECDSA_P256"
  • "ECDSA_P521"
  • "OAM"

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array
No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: object

Authenticated navigation data by using the verified OSNMA tags.

Type: object

All properties whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: ^[0-9]+$
Type: object

Type: array

Reception Galileo Satellite Time of the authenticated data.

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array

Last Galileo Satellite Time when the authenticated data was received.

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: object

All properties whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: ^[0-9]+$
Type: object

Type: null

There is no IOD on the ADKD4 data.

Type: array

Reception Galileo Satellite Time of the authenticated data.

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array

Last Galileo Satellite Time when the authenticated data was received.

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: object

All properties whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: ^[0-9]+$
Type: object

Type: array

Reception Galileo Satellite Time of the authenticated data.

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be:

Type: array

Last Galileo Satellite Time when the authenticated data was received.

No Additional Items

Tuple Validation

Item at 1 must be:
Item at 2 must be: